4th Cambridge Brownies

Who we are
Our diary

Summer Term 2005
This term we will be undertaking challenges and playing lots of wide games.
18th April: Shipwrecked


We started the meeting with a pow-wow to decide what we would do this term and what theme we would have for our sleepover. We decided our sleepover theme would be 'Things that go bump in the night.' We then played a wide game called Shipwrecked. Each team had to work together to survive on a desert island. We built a shelter from the wreckage, caught fish (making sure not to catch the poisonous ones or come in contact with a jelly fish), searched for fresh water, made a make-shift flag and cooked a snack over candles. The Pixies won the game!
25th April: Italian Evening

venice scene   pizza

As we arrived we completed an Italian themed wordsearch. We then played a game that used Italian colours and another game that taught us Italian numbers. We then completed 6 challenges: making and eating pizza, designing a Venetian postcard, making a mosaic, playing a Roman dice game, learning how to use Roman numerals, and colouring a picture in the style of the Sistine Chapel (i.e. lying on the floor with the picture above our heads!).
9th May: Relaxation Evening


We started the meeting by playing Shops and Wee-Willy-Winky. We then tried some animal yoga positions, learnt how to massage our feet with aromatherapy oils and practised a relaxation technique. We finished by playing Pirates.
16th May: World War II themed evening


We opened the meeting in the way Brownies did during the war and had a look at the uniform they would have worn. We then 'collected' items such as fishbones for the war effort. Each six cooked a war recipe (appley dessert, eggless macaroons and potato pancakes) which we then shared whilst sitting in an 'air-raid' shelter. Before we got the all clear we also sang some war-time songs. At the end of the meeting we had a pow-wow to discuss which sixes we would have at our sleepover. We decided on Vampires, Witches and Bats.
23rd May: Games and Sleepover Preparation

We started the meeting by playing Stuck in the Mud, Pirates, Space Station and Wee-willy-winky. We then designed a placemat for our sleepover and watched the video diary from last year's sleepover.
28th-29th May: Things that go bump in the night sleepover

We made candles, glow in the dark shrinkles and pencil toppers, luminaries and glow in the dark fridge magnets. We also played lots of games, had a water fight, and ate a midnight feast. To find out more see our holidays section.
6th June: First Aid and Games

We started the meeting by playing Fishes, Motherbird, Pirates and Shops. We then went outside and learnt a little fist aid - including how to put someone in the recovery position. We then played Wee-Willy-Winky and Werewolves.
13th June: World Issues - Farming

sowing   sowing

Initially we played Fishes and Pirates. We then played the Oxfam's 'Sowing and Harvesting' game. As third world farmers we 'planted' and 'harvested' cash and food crops, trying to make enough to eat and pay our taxes. By the end of the first 'year' everyone had got themselves into debt, and only one group (the Elves) managed to get themselves out of it. Well down to them!
20th June: Getting Crafty

 getting messy with clay  sculpting clay  sculpting clay  painting a porcelain mask

After playing Railway Stations and Wee-Willy-Winky we made animal sculptures from clay, painted porcelain masks and started to design a fashion outfit for Barbie (as part of a national Brownie Competition).
27th June: Still Crafty and Chocolate Pizza

We started the meeting by playing 'Squirrels' and 'Elephants and Poachers'. We then painted our clay model and continued with our outfits for Barbie. We also made and ate chocolate pizza (pizza made with chocolate spread, marshmellows, jelly sweets, maltesers, flake and white chocolate buttons).
2nd July: Trip to Duxford Imperial War Museum

Mission CED Mission CED Mission CED

See trips for details
4th July: Medieval Tournament

We started the meeting by making armour with our team's coat of arms on it. We then practised our swordsmanship by bursting water balloons, 'jousted' on the back of hobby horses with long cardboard tubes, showed our skill at bowling and archery, and fired at the enemies castle. At the end of the meeting we made pomanders and had a drink and biscuit.
11th July: Water evening with BBQ

water balloon catch  water balloon bucket

We had a relay race whilst carrying a bucket full of water, raced to see which team could get the most water into a bucket using a spoon (our Unit Helper said I was evil - but when 5rain did this my sister suggested giving them a fork!), played catch and under and over using a water balloon, skipped and completed an obstacle course whilst holding a cup of water. We then took time to think about more serious issues to do with drought and flooding, completing a quiz in our sixes. At the end of the meeting we had ate hotdogs and hamburgers with crisps.
18th July: Ten Pin Bowling

We went to Cambridge Megabowl for a game of bowling. We then had a meal there afterwards. We said goodbye to three of our older Brownies - we'll miss them lots!

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