1st Whittlesford Rainbows
Who we are
Our diary

We are girls aged 5-7 who like to play games, make things, sing songs, listen to stories and be kind and helpful. Our Rainbow Leader is called Otter.

Rainbows at our first ever Promise Ceremony
Our first ever promise ceremony (October 2005)

We have two Rainbow Rabbit toys - White Cloud and Maisy. Each week two Rainbows who have been really kind and helpful take the Rainbow Rabbits home. We also have a Rainbow teddy called Ted.

If your daughter is aged 5-7 and would like to start (or younger and would like her name put on the waiting list) please contact Otter on 01223 871961 or e-mail whittlesfordrainbows@hotmail.co.uk with your daughter's name, date of birth, telephone number, and address.