Rainbow Resources



Dot paintingDot Painting

Show the Rainbows examples of Australian aboriginal dot painting and explain that the different symbols tell a story.

The Rainbows can make their own dot painting using carrots to print onto sugar paper. They can then paint some of the symbols onto their picture.

Example symbols and more information will be available on Brownie Resources at a later date

Koala Bears and Kangaroos

You can print out templates for making paper/cardboard kangaroos and koalas from http://www.dltk-kids.com/animals/australian.html.


All but one Rainbow sits on a chair in a circle. The other Rainbow stands in the middle of the circle. The Rainbows are given the names of Australian animals, e.g. 'Koala', 'Kangaroo', 'Possum'. When the person in the middle calls out an animal the Rainbows who are that animal swop places. The person in the middle tries to sit down. Whoever is left standing is in the middle for the next round.

You could also play Cockatoo Sentry.

Other Activities

The song Cuddly Koalas is sung to the tune of Frere Jacque

Cuddlerly Koalas, Cuddlerly Koalas (rock baby koala)
Possums too, Possums too (use fingers to form glasses round eyes)
Wallabies and Wambats, Wallabies and Wambats (big and little claws)
Kangaroos, Kangaroos (jump)

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