Brownie Guide
5th Rainham Brownies
Brownie Guide
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The Movies (1998)

This year we voted for 'The Movies' as our theme. Our sixes were Tragedies, Comedies and Horrors. The adults were Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Hitchcock, Wes Craven and Neil Jordan.

On Friday evening we made Oscars and theatres from cereal boxes.

On Saturday morning each six made a short film.

In the afternoon we went Swimming at a local swimming pool. Afterwards we were going to have tea in the park, but it was raining, so we had a picnic on the floor instead!

On Sunday morning each six had to find the money to make a film.
We had to 'buy' the lighting equipment, cast stars in the roles, provide the props etc.

Before we went home we watched our films and awarded Oscars.

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