4th Cambridge Brownies
Pirate Sleepover (Easter 2004)
Each six made a pirate flag and negotiated a pirate code with their six captain. Next we tested our pirate skills. We learnt
some whistle calls used onboard ship, and played a game using them. We
demonstrated our sword skills by bursting water balloons. We were
guided by our crew mates through "rocky waters".
We tested our ability to climb the rigging
and run from the King's soldiers on this obstacle course. We then
tested our aim by "bombing" ships.
Finally we demonstrated our skill with a
gun. Back indoors we made pirate ships which used special knots and
played a game which involved lying.
We made pirate hatsand pirate bandanas.
We made parrot finger puppets. We used hama beads to make fridge magnets in the shape of a ship, pirate or Jolly Roger flag. We hunted for stolen medallions and solved their riddle.