Attribute VB_Name = "porterAlgo" 'Porter Stemmer in VISUAL BASIC 6. It follow the algorithm definition 'presented in : ' Porter, 1980, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, Vol. 14, ' no. 3, pp 130-137, ' ( 'Author : Navonil Mustafee 'Brunel University - student 'Algorithm Implemented as part for assignment on document visualization 'TO USE THE PROGRAM CALL THE FUNCTION PORTERALGORITHM. THE WORD 'TO BE STEMMED SHOULD BE PASSED AS THE ARGUEMENT ARGUEMENT. THE STRING 'RETURNED BY THE FUNCTION IS THE STEMMED WORD Option Explicit Public Function porterAlgorithm(str As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'only strings greater than 2 are stemmed If Len(Trim(str)) > 2 Then str = porterAlgorithmStep1(str) str = porterAlgorithmStep2(str) str = porterAlgorithmStep3(str) str = porterAlgorithmStep4(str) str = porterAlgorithmStep5(str) End If 'End of Porter's algorithm.........returning the word porterAlgorithm = str End Function Private Function porterAlgorithmStep1(str As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'STEP 1A ' ' SSES -> SS caresses -> caress ' IES -> I ponies -> poni ' ties -> ti ' SS -> SS caress -> caress ' S -> cats -> cat 'declaring local variables Dim i As Byte Dim j As Byte Dim step1a(3, 1) As String 'initializing contents of 2D array step1a(0, 0) = "sses" step1a(0, 1) = "ss" step1a(1, 0) = "ies" step1a(1, 1) = "i" step1a(2, 0) = "ss" step1a(2, 1) = "ss" step1a(3, 0) = "s" step1a(3, 1) = "" 'checking word For i = 0 To 3 Step 1 If porterEndsWith(str, step1a(i, 0)) Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step1a(i, 0))) str = porterAppendEnd(str, step1a(i, 1)) Exit For End If Next i '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'STEP 1B ' ' If ' (m>0) EED -> EE feed -> feed ' agreed -> agree ' Else ' (*v*) ED -> plastered -> plaster ' bled -> bled ' (*v*) ING -> motoring -> motor ' sing -> sing ' 'If the second or third of the rules in Step 1b is successful, the following 'is done: ' ' AT -> ATE conflat(ed) -> conflate ' BL -> BLE troubl(ed) -> trouble ' IZ -> IZE siz(ed) -> size ' (*d and not (*L or *S or *Z)) ' -> single letter ' hopp(ing) -> hop ' tann(ed) -> tan ' fall(ing) -> fall ' hiss(ing) -> hiss ' fizz(ed) -> fizz ' (m=1 and *o) -> E fail(ing) -> fail ' fil(ing) -> file ' 'The rule to map to a single letter causes the removal of one of the double 'letter pair. The -E is put back on -AT, -BL and -IZ, so that the suffixes '-ATE, -BLE and -IZE can be recognised later. This E may be removed in step '4. 'declaring local variables Dim m As Byte Dim temp As String Dim second_third_success As Boolean 'initializing contents of 2D array second_third_success = False '(m>0) EED -> EE..else..(*v*) ED ->(*v*) ING -> If porterEndsWith(str, "eed") Then 'counting the number of m's temp = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("eed")) m = porterCountm(temp) If m > 0 Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("eed")) str = porterAppendEnd(str, "ee") End If ElseIf porterEndsWith(str, "ed") Then 'trim and check for vowel temp = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("ed")) If porterContainsVowel(temp) Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("ed")) second_third_success = True End If ElseIf porterEndsWith(str, "ing") Then 'trim and check for vowel temp = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("ing")) If porterContainsVowel(temp) Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("ing")) second_third_success = True End If End If 'If the second or third of the rules in Step 1b is SUCCESSFUL, the following 'is done: ' ' AT -> ATE conflat(ed) -> conflate ' BL -> BLE troubl(ed) -> trouble ' IZ -> IZE siz(ed) -> size ' (*d and not (*L or *S or *Z)) ' -> single letter ' hopp(ing) -> hop ' tann(ed) -> tan ' fall(ing) -> fall ' hiss(ing) -> hiss ' fizz(ed) -> fizz ' (m=1 and *o) -> E fail(ing) -> fail ' fil(ing) -> file If second_third_success = True Then 'If the second or third of the rules in Step 1b is SUCCESSFUL If porterEndsWith(str, "at") Then 'AT -> ATE str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("at")) str = porterAppendEnd(str, "ate") ElseIf porterEndsWith(str, "bl") Then 'BL -> BLE str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("bl")) str = porterAppendEnd(str, "ble") ElseIf porterEndsWith(str, "iz") Then 'IZ -> IZE str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("iz")) str = porterAppendEnd(str, "ize") ElseIf porterEndsDoubleConsonent(str) Then '(*d and not (*L or *S or *Z))-> single letter If Not (porterEndsWith(str, "l") Or porterEndsWith(str, "s") Or porterEndsWith(str, "z")) Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, 1) End If ElseIf porterCountm(str) = 1 Then '(m=1 and *o) -> E If porterEndsCVC(str) Then str = porterAppendEnd(str, "e") End If End If End If '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 'STEP 1C ' ' (*v*) Y -> I happy -> happi ' sky -> sky If porterEndsWith(str, "y") Then 'trim and check for vowel temp = porterTrimEnd(str, 1) If porterContainsVowel(temp) Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len("y")) str = porterAppendEnd(str, "i") End If End If 'retuning the word porterAlgorithmStep1 = str End Function Private Function porterAlgorithmStep2(str As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'STEP 2 ' ' (m>0) ATIONAL -> ATE relational -> relate ' (m>0) TIONAL -> TION conditional -> condition ' rational -> rational ' (m>0) ENCI -> ENCE valenci -> valence ' (m>0) ANCI -> ANCE hesitanci -> hesitance ' (m>0) IZER -> IZE digitizer -> digitize 'Also, ' (m>0) BLI -> BLE conformabli -> conformable ' ' (m>0) ALLI -> AL radicalli -> radical ' (m>0) ENTLI -> ENT differentli -> different ' (m>0) ELI -> E vileli - > vile ' (m>0) OUSLI -> OUS analogousli -> analogous ' (m>0) IZATION -> IZE vietnamization -> vietnamize ' (m>0) ATION -> ATE predication -> predicate ' (m>0) ATOR -> ATE operator -> operate ' (m>0) ALISM -> AL feudalism -> feudal ' (m>0) IVENESS -> IVE decisiveness -> decisive ' (m>0) FULNESS -> FUL hopefulness -> hopeful ' (m>0) OUSNESS -> OUS callousness -> callous ' (m>0) ALITI -> AL formaliti -> formal ' (m>0) IVITI -> IVE sensitiviti -> sensitive ' (m>0) BILITI -> BLE sensibiliti -> sensible 'Also, ' (m>0) LOGI -> LOG apologi -> apolog ' 'The test for the string S1 can be made fast by doing a program switch on 'the penultimate letter of the word being tested. This gives a fairly even 'breakdown of the possible values of the string S1. It will be seen in fact 'that the S1-strings in step 2 are presented here in the alphabetical order 'of their penultimate letter. Similar techniques may be applied in the other 'steps. 'declaring local variables Dim step2(20, 1) As String Dim i As Byte Dim temp As String 'initializing contents of 2D array step2(0, 0) = "ational" step2(0, 1) = "ate" step2(1, 0) = "tional" step2(1, 1) = "tion" step2(2, 0) = "enci" step2(2, 1) = "ence" step2(3, 0) = "anci" step2(3, 1) = "ance" step2(4, 0) = "izer" step2(4, 1) = "ize" step2(5, 0) = "bli" step2(5, 1) = "ble" step2(6, 0) = "alli" step2(6, 1) = "al" step2(7, 0) = "entli" step2(7, 1) = "ent" step2(8, 0) = "eli" step2(8, 1) = "e" step2(9, 0) = "ousli" step2(9, 1) = "ous" step2(10, 0) = "ization" step2(10, 1) = "ize" step2(11, 0) = "ation" step2(11, 1) = "ate" step2(12, 0) = "ator" step2(12, 1) = "ate" step2(13, 0) = "alism" step2(13, 1) = "al" step2(14, 0) = "iveness" step2(14, 1) = "ive" step2(15, 0) = "fulness" step2(15, 1) = "ful" step2(16, 0) = "ousness" step2(16, 1) = "ous" step2(17, 0) = "aliti" step2(17, 1) = "al" step2(18, 0) = "iviti" step2(18, 1) = "ive" step2(19, 0) = "biliti" step2(19, 1) = "ble" step2(20, 0) = "logi" step2(20, 1) = "log" 'checking word For i = 0 To 20 Step 1 If porterEndsWith(str, step2(i, 0)) Then temp = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step2(i, 0))) If porterCountm(temp) > 0 Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step2(i, 0))) str = porterAppendEnd(str, step2(i, 1)) End If Exit For End If Next i 'retuning the word porterAlgorithmStep2 = str End Function Private Function porterAlgorithmStep3(str As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'STEP 3 ' ' (m>0) ICATE -> IC triplicate -> triplic ' (m>0) ATIVE -> formative -> form ' (m>0) ALIZE -> AL formalize -> formal ' (m>0) ICITI -> IC electriciti -> electric ' (m>0) ICAL -> IC electrical -> electric ' (m>0) FUL -> hopeful -> hope ' (m>0) NESS -> goodness -> good 'declaring local variables Dim i As Byte Dim temp As String Dim step3(6, 1) As String 'initializing contents of 2D array step3(0, 0) = "icate" step3(0, 1) = "ic" step3(1, 0) = "ative" step3(1, 1) = "" step3(2, 0) = "alize" step3(2, 1) = "al" step3(3, 0) = "iciti" step3(3, 1) = "ic" step3(4, 0) = "ical" step3(4, 1) = "ic" step3(5, 0) = "ful" step3(5, 1) = "" step3(6, 0) = "ness" step3(6, 1) = "" 'checking word For i = 0 To 6 Step 1 If porterEndsWith(str, step3(i, 0)) Then temp = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step3(i, 0))) If porterCountm(temp) > 0 Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step3(i, 0))) str = porterAppendEnd(str, step3(i, 1)) End If Exit For End If Next i 'retuning the word porterAlgorithmStep3 = str End Function Private Function porterAlgorithmStep4(str As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'STEP 4 ' ' (m>1) AL -> revival -> reviv ' (m>1) ANCE -> allowance -> allow ' (m>1) ENCE -> inference -> infer ' (m>1) ER -> airliner -> airlin ' (m>1) IC -> gyroscopic -> gyroscop ' (m>1) ABLE -> adjustable -> adjust ' (m>1) IBLE -> defensible -> defens ' (m>1) ANT -> irritant -> irrit ' (m>1) EMENT -> replacement -> replac ' (m>1) MENT -> adjustment -> adjust ' (m>1) ENT -> dependent -> depend ' (m>1 and (*S or *T)) ION -> adoption -> adopt ' (m>1) OU -> homologou -> homolog ' (m>1) ISM -> communism -> commun ' (m>1) ATE -> activate -> activ ' (m>1) ITI -> angulariti -> angular ' (m>1) OUS -> homologous -> homolog ' (m>1) IVE -> effective -> effect ' (m>1) IZE -> bowdlerize -> bowdler ' 'The suffixes are now removed. All that remains is a little tidying up. 'declaring local variables Dim i As Byte Dim temp As String Dim step4(18) As String 'initializing contents of 2D array step4(0) = "al" step4(1) = "ance" step4(2) = "ence" step4(3) = "er" step4(4) = "ic" step4(5) = "able" step4(6) = "ible" step4(7) = "ant" step4(8) = "ement" step4(9) = "ment" step4(10) = "ent" step4(11) = "ion" step4(12) = "ou" step4(13) = "ism" step4(14) = "ate" step4(15) = "iti" step4(16) = "ous" step4(17) = "ive" step4(18) = "ize" 'checking word For i = 0 To 18 Step 1 If porterEndsWith(str, step4(i)) Then temp = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step4(i))) If porterCountm(temp) > 1 Then If porterEndsWith(str, "ion") Then If porterEndsWith(temp, "s") Or porterEndsWith(temp, "t") Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step4(i))) str = porterAppendEnd(str, "") End If Else str = porterTrimEnd(str, Len(step4(i))) str = porterAppendEnd(str, "") End If End If Exit For End If Next i 'retuning the word porterAlgorithmStep4 = str End Function Private Function porterAlgorithmStep5(str As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'STEP 5a ' ' (m>1) E -> probate -> probat ' rate -> rate ' (m=1 and not *o) E -> cease -> ceas ' 'STEP 5b ' ' (m>1 and *d and *L) -> single letter ' controll -> control ' roll -> roll 'declaring local variables Dim i As Byte Dim temp As String 'Step5a If porterEndsWith(str, "e") Then 'word ends with e temp = porterTrimEnd(str, 1) If porterCountm(temp) > 1 Then 'm>1 str = porterTrimEnd(str, 1) ElseIf porterCountm(temp) = 1 Then 'm=1 If Not porterEndsCVC(temp) Then 'not *o str = porterTrimEnd(str, 1) End If End If End If '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 'Step5b If porterCountm(str) > 1 Then If porterEndsDoubleConsonent(str) And porterEndsWith(str, "l") Then str = porterTrimEnd(str, 1) End If End If 'retuning the word porterAlgorithmStep5 = str End Function Private Function porterEndsWith(str As String, ends As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next 'declaring local variables Dim length_str As Byte Dim length_ends As Byte Dim hold_ends As String 'finding the length of the string length_str = Len(str) length_ends = Len(ends) 'if length of str is greater than the length of length_ends, only then proceed..else return false If length_ends >= length_str Then porterEndsWith = False Else 'extract characters from right of str hold_ends = Right(str, length_ends) 'comparing to see whether hold_ends=ends If StrComp(hold_ends, ends) = 0 Then porterEndsWith = True Else porterEndsWith = False End If End If End Function Private Function porterContains(str As String, present As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next 'checking whether strr contains present If InStr(str, present) = 0 Then porterContains = False Else porterContains = True End If End Function Private Function porterContainsVowel(str As String) As Boolean 'checking word to see if vowels are present Dim chars() As Byte Dim i As Byte Dim pattern As String If Len(str) >= 0 Then 'find out the CVC pattern pattern = returnCVCpattern(str) 'check to see if the return pattern contains a vowel If InStr(pattern, "v") = 0 Then porterContainsVowel = False Else porterContainsVowel = True End If Else porterContainsVowel = False End If End Function Private Function porterEndsDoubleConsonent(str As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next 'checking whether word ends with a double consonant (e.g. -TT, -SS). 'declaring local variables Dim holds_ends As String Dim hold_third_last As String Dim chars() As Byte 'first check whether the size of the word is >= 2 If Len(str) >= 2 Then 'extract 2 characters from right of str holds_ends = Right(str, 2) 'converting string to byte array chars = StrConv(holds_ends, vbFromUnicode) 'checking if both the characters are same If chars(0) = chars(1) Then 'check for double consonent If holds_ends = "aa" Or holds_ends = "ee" Or holds_ends = "ii" Or holds_ends = "oo" Or holds_ends = "uu" Then porterEndsDoubleConsonent = False Else 'if the second last character is y, and there are atleast three letters in str If holds_ends = "yy" And Len(str) > 2 Then 'extracting the third last character hold_third_last = Right(str, 3) hold_third_last = Left(str, 1) If Not (hold_third_last = "a" Or hold_third_last = "e" Or hold_third_last = "i" Or hold_third_last = "o" Or hold_third_last = "u") Then porterEndsDoubleConsonent = False Else porterEndsDoubleConsonent = True End If Else porterEndsDoubleConsonent = True End If End If Else porterEndsDoubleConsonent = False End If Else porterEndsDoubleConsonent = False End If End Function Private Function porterEndsCVC(str As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next '*o - the stem ends cvc, where the second c is not W, X or Y (e.g. -WIL, -HOP). 'declaring local variables Dim chars() As Byte Dim const_vowel As String Dim i As Byte Dim pattern As String 'check to see if atleast 3 characters are present If Len(str) >= 3 Then 'converting string to byte array chars = StrConv(str, vbFromUnicode) 'find out the CVC pattern pattern = returnCVCpattern(str) 'we need to check only the last three characters pattern = Right(pattern, 3) 'check to see if the letters in str match the sequence cvc If pattern = "cvc" Then If Not (Chr(chars(UBound(chars))) = "w" Or Chr(chars(UBound(chars))) = "x" Or Chr(chars(UBound(chars))) = "y") Then porterEndsCVC = True Else porterEndsCVC = False End If Else porterEndsCVC = False End If Else porterEndsCVC = False End If End Function Private Function porterTrimEnd(str As String, length As Byte) As String On Error Resume Next 'returning the trimmed string porterTrimEnd = Left(str, Len(str) - length) End Function Private Function porterAppendEnd(str As String, ends As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'returning the appended string porterAppendEnd = str + ends End Function Private Function porterCountm(str As String) As Byte On Error Resume Next 'A \consonant\ in a word is a letter other than A, E, I, O or U, and other 'than Y preceded by a consonant. (The fact that the term `consonant' is 'defined to some extent in terms of itself does not make it ambiguous.) So in 'TOY the consonants are T and Y, and in SYZYGY they are S, Z and G. If a 'letter is not a consonant it is a \vowel\. 'declaring local variables Dim chars() As Byte Dim const_vowel As String Dim i As Byte Dim m As Byte Dim flag As Boolean Dim pattern As String 'initializing const_vowel = "" m = 0 flag = False If Not Len(str) = 0 Then 'find out the CVC pattern pattern = returnCVCpattern(str) 'converting const_vowel to byte array chars = StrConv(pattern, vbFromUnicode) 'counting the number of m's... For i = 0 To UBound(chars) Step 1 If Chr(chars(i)) = "v" Or flag = True Then flag = True If Chr(chars(i)) = "c" Then m = m + 1 flag = False End If End If Next i End If porterCountm = m End Function Private Function returnCVCpattern(str As String) As String 'local variables Dim chars() As Byte Dim const_vowel As String Dim i As Byte 'converting string to byte array chars = StrConv(str, vbFromUnicode) 'checking each character to see if it is a consonent or a vowel. also inputs the information in const_vowel For i = 0 To UBound(chars) Step 1 If Chr(chars(i)) = "a" Or Chr(chars(i)) = "e" Or Chr(chars(i)) = "i" Or Chr(chars(i)) = "o" Or Chr(chars(i)) = "u" Then const_vowel = const_vowel + "v" ElseIf Chr(chars(i)) = "y" Then 'if y is not the first character, only then check the previous character If i > 0 Then 'check to see if previous character is a consonent If Not (Chr(chars(i - 1)) = "a" Or Chr(chars(i - 1)) = "e" Or Chr(chars(i - 1)) = "i" Or Chr(chars(i - 1)) = "o" Or Chr(chars(i - 1)) = "u") Then const_vowel = const_vowel + "v" Else const_vowel = const_vowel + "c" End If Else const_vowel = const_vowel + "c" End If Else const_vowel = const_vowel + "c" End If Next i returnCVCpattern = const_vowel End Function