planet gareth : poems : a fish with no gills

A Fish With No Gills

A long time ago and a long way beyond
All this world that we know and of which we are fond,
Lived a magical king with a magical pond,
Where the fish with no gills breathed its last.

A one-legged duck had been stealing odd socks
From a mad escapologist trapped in a box.
It didn't have sides, just a top and some locks,
Yet the fish with no gills breathed its last.

The weather was bad, so a coach took the train,
Though a happy umbrella just sang in the rain.
Two turtle doves joined its merry refrain.
And the fish with no gills breathed its last.

An absent magician did vanishing tricks
For Subbuteo players who'd gone to the Flicks.
A young boy named Andrew had counted to six,
While the fish with no gills breathed its last.

The flamboyant kettle had started to boil,
While Van Gogh, for a bet, painted sunflower oil.
The meek got a shock and inherited soil,
And the fish with no gills breathed its last.

A dishonest man had been lying in state,
So the funeral service was ordered to wait.
The corpse hurried in and said, "Sorry I'm late,"
And the fish with no gills breathed its last.

The fire had gone out, so the penguin yelled, "Hearth!"
As a herring chased geese up a wild garden path.
A sink took the plunge and the next train to Bath,
As the fish with no gills breathed its last.

The ocean got hungry and nibbled the coast,
And it said, "Well, it's nice, but I'd rather have toast."
A parcel from Lot went from pillar to post,
Still the fish with no gills breathed its last.

The dog looked upset as the cat waved a leg,
And a self-centred coat took itself down a peg,
The chicken just smiled and then answered, "the egg..."
While the fish with no gills breathed its last.

"Another last verse? This is trying, my friend,"
Said the passing giraffe, "I insist that this end.
For if not, I shall certainly go round the bend!"
So the fish with no gills evolved.

Once more, I was pestered for a follow-up poem, although this time only by Vicky. Everyone else had gone to IBM or Germany, and so were unable to comment.

The first verse was written in 1996/7, and failing to get any further caused the poem about the kitchen drawer. The rest was written over 15-17th March 2000, as a belated Christmas present to Vicky. I hope she liked it.

© 2000 gareth taylor