planet gareth : poems


Words are fun. Or they can be. If they are referring to odd things happening, or to rather extreme anthropomorphism. Not that I'd ever do that, of course.

Below are some collections of words that occurred. Most of them are rather old, and a couple were written when I was quite young indeed (most obviously the first one), so be kind to them.

The Trilogy!

Some silliness written at school.

A Dog With No Legs
A Cat With No Ears
A Fish With No Gills

Birthday Poems

Idle doodlings in some people's birthday cards.

"The Ambiguous Duck"
An Exposition on the Uses of Cabbages
The Explosive Properties of Certain Winged Creatures


Other things. Some written on trains, you know.

The Courgette
The Duck
A Guitarist's Apology
Ode to a Haddock
14:44. A Quick Poem about a Pig
'Rifling through a Kitchen Drawer'
Red Flares against a Blackened Ski
Sidgwick Table
They Owe Me Cash